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Wyświetlanie postów z grudzień, 2017

Thesis stuff - PyMOL - how to remove alternative conformation; renumbering, measuring distances with 2 decimals

Sometimes I'm googling stuff. How to do something.. And I'm forgetting then. Or writing on paper. But better to keep it on-line, so other googlers can find it, too ;) Thanks for  useful! Another great one - So PyMOL,  alternative conformation . It makes messy some of my calculations to keep alternative conformations, so to remove it, simply type: PyMOL>remove not (alt ''+A) PyMOL>alter all, alt='' But it's choosing conformation A, not that with higher occupancy! See here - Alternatively in  Phenix  - Model tools - pdb tools - options - remove alternate conformers, but it gave me the same output as PyMOL, conformation A, not higher occupancy. You can do it in  Coot , but then (probably?) have to go from residue to residue (with double occupancy), I didn't find how to do it for...