Recently I was looking for a software that will give me a nice picture of secondary structure in a single line, that I can use to illustrate residues.
I have found:
That one was quick and what I finally got was:
Not really that nice as I wanted.
But I didn't have time to create that picture by myself, so then I tried:
Click "generate" on the left if you want to upload your own pdb file.
For results I had to wait, program runs every hour. That was what I got:
And this is great! :-) You can also easily change colour and number of residue per line. Perfect.
I have found:
That one was quick and what I finally got was:
Not really that nice as I wanted.
But I didn't have time to create that picture by myself, so then I tried:
Click "generate" on the left if you want to upload your own pdb file.
For results I had to wait, program runs every hour. That was what I got:
And this is great! :-) You can also easily change colour and number of residue per line. Perfect.
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